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    With Honor on Initial 2022 General Election Results for Veterans and Polarization

    With Honor on Initial 2022 General Election Results for Veterans and Polarization

    CHARLOTTE, NC – The 2022 midterms saw another surge of veteran candidates running to serve again across party lines. 744 veterans ran for Congress (190 D, 457 R, 97 I), a 18% increase from the prior cycle. Veterans running who served after September 11th increased by 29.4%. This is an encouraging trend.

    With Honor has worked with more than two dozen veterans in Congress who took the pledge to serve with integrity, civility, and courage, and participate in the bipartisan For Country Caucus. This group has passed more than 50 laws in four years, including 23 in 2021. With Honor projects the number of U.S. Representatives committed to this pledge will increase by more than 10% as the final results come in from the 2022 midterms.

    The total number of veterans in Congress will increase modestly. The current number of veterans in the Senate will hold at least constant at 16, or possibly increase by 1-2% depending on the outcomes of the senate races in Nevada and Arizona.

    With Honor is projecting that the percentage of veterans in the House will increase modestly. 230 veterans advanced to the general election in the House (59 Democrats, 120 Republicans, 51 Independents). At the time of this press release, 77 races with veterans have been called in the House and 21 races with veteran candidates are still too close to call.

    “I’m grateful to With Honor for helping more principled veterans get elected to Congress who will participate in the bipartisan For Country Caucus. That is making a big impact and pushing against the polarization threatening our Republic,” said U.S. Congressman Don Bacon, a retired Air Force Brigadier General and co-chair of the For Country Caucus who won re-election in Nebraska’s 2nd District.

    “It’s inspiring to see so many principled veterans who won last night and are committed to serving across party lines in the For Country Caucus,” said U.S. Congressman Jason Crow, an Army Ranger and veteran of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and founding member of the For Country Caucus, who was re-elected last night in Colorado’s 6th District. “It is possible to break through our polarized, cynical politics, and get things done. These are some of the Americans doing it, and I look forward to working with them.”

    With Honor Fund congratulates its endorsed veterans who have won their general elections:

    Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-02)

    Congressman Jake Auchincloss (MA-04)

    Congressman Don Bacon (NE-02)

    Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24)

    Congressman Jason Crow (CO-06)

    Congressman-elect Don Davis (NC-01)

    Congressman Jake Ellzey (TX-06)

    Congressman Mike Gallagher (WI-08)

    Congressman Tony Gonzales (TX-23)

    Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan (PA-06)

    Congressman-elect Wesley Hunt (TX-38)

    Congressman-elect Jeff Jackson (NC-14)

    Congressman-elect Nick LaLota (NY-01)

    Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks (IA-01)

    Congressman Seth Moulton (MA-06)

    Congressman Jimmy Panetta (CA-19)

    Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11)

    Congressman Michael Waltz (FL-06)

    The following With Honor Fund endorsed veterans are in races that have not yet been called:

    Mr. Francis Conole (Candidate for NY-22)

    Mr. Chris Deluzio (Candidate for PA-17)

    Congressman Jared Golden (Candidate for ME-02)

    Congressman Pat Ryan (Candidate for NY-18)

    Mr. John James (Candidate for MI-10)

    Dr. Kermit Jones (Candidate for CA-03)

    Additionally, With Honor Fund supported the following principled Americans who served our country in other capacities, specifically federal law enforcement, intelligence, and as civilians in the State Department and Department of Defense.

    Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-01)

    Congresswoman Abigail Spanberger (VA-07)

    Congressman Andy Kim (NJ-03)

    Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin (MI-08)

    With Honor Fund endorsed two veterans running in state races for the first time this cycle. Former With Honor Action Advisory Board Member Wes Moore will be the next Governor of Maryland. Former For Country Caucus Member Anthony Brown will be the Attorney General of Maryland.

    “Decency won last night in districts across the nation. In a moment of crippling polarization, these results are encouraging,” said Rye Barcott, Co-Founder and CEO of With Honor Action. “Americans recognize the value and promise of veteran candidates who choose to continue to serve this country with a commitment to bipartisanship and the values embodied by the pledge they have taken: integrity, civility, and courage. ”

    With Honor congratulates these new and incumbent members on their wins and looks forward to working alongside them to accomplish more for the American people. Please contact us if you would like more information.

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