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    Combating the Communist Party of China

    The United States House Select Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party


    At the beginning of the 118th Congress, former For Country Caucus Member Rep. Mike Gallagher was tapped to lead the Select Committee on the CCP, a special committee of serious, bipartisan lawmakers that would investigate, address, and provide recommendations on countering the Chinese Communist Party’s influence in the United States and abroad.

    The committee, which includes Caucus Vice-Chair Rep. Mikie Sherrill and Member Rep. Seth Moulton, issued nearly 150 recommendations in December 2023, a broad, whole-of-society approach to countering the CCP economically and restoring America’s undeniable economic primacy.

    With Honor Action continues to work alongside these members and the Select Committee to support ongoing legislation to combat the CCP’s growing threat to our national security.

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    • Ongoing Efforts
      • Multilateral AI Working Group (Rep. Nick LaLota) – Directs the Secretary of Defense to create a working group focused on Artificial Intelligence within the Five Eyes, America’s closest and strongest intelligence sharing alliance, which includes the U.S., Australia, the UK, New Zealand and Canada.
      • Outbound Investment Transparency Act (Senator John Cornyn and Senator Bob Casey) – This requires U.S. firms to notify the Treasury of certain investments in sectors such as advanced semiconductors, artificial intelligence, quantum technology, hypersonics and satellite-based communications, in countries of concern. 
      • House Resolution relating to the Communist Party of China’s ‘Made in China 2025’ Plan (Rep. Mikie Sherrill) – This formally documents the malign, unfair economic practices of the CCP and calls on the public and private sectors to invest in industries and initiatives that are essential to maintaining our economic and technological edge over China. 
    • FY24 National Defense Authorization Act
      • Taiwan Cybersecurity Resiliency Act (Rep. Mike Gallagher and Rep. Chrissy Houlahan)– This legislation directs the Secretary of Defense to work with the Taiwanese Ministry of Defense to improve military cybersecurity cooperation. 
      • Intellectual Property (IP) Strategy (Rep. Jimmy Panetta) – In light of China’s pervasive theft of intellectual property, this directs the Secretary of Defense to develop and implement a strategy to acquire emerging capabilities and technologies while also taking steps to protect against IP theft and develop relevant enforcement mechanisms. 
      • Evaluation of Defense Support for Taiwan (Rep. Mike Gallagher) – To ensure that American support for Taiwan’s defense is as effective as possible, this requires the Secretary of Defense to provide an evaluation of Foreign Military Sales processes for all materials and training to Taiwan. 

    Check out the panel below from With Honor Action’s 3rd Biennial Gala featuring Rep. Mike Gallagher and Rep. Mikie Sherill discussing the bipartisan U.S. House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.

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